WEC Wednesday’s Beyond the Desk with Joanna Brumsey
Continuing our series to get to know our employees beyond their desks with some fun facts about them we might not already know, we are featuring WEC Shareholder Joanna Brumsey this week!
A graduate of Wake Forest University in North Carolina, Joanna joined the firm in 1999 and has more than 25 years of accounting experience. She serves as the leader of the Advisory Services Team, as well as the industry-specific service teams for manufacturing and wholesale distribution, retail, and franchise.
WW: “So, Joanna, what are some interesting facts about you that we might not already know?”
Joanna: “Oh, goodness, let me think…
- I grew up in the mountains of Asheville and clogged when I was little. I still clog if it’s late at night and the music is right!
- I slalom water ski…my grandmother did it until she turned 80 years old so that is my plan. Fingers crossed.
- I’ve run three half marathons (need to start running again!).
- I’ll be 50 in April so I need lots of gifts and a party.
- I met my husband through my brother my freshman year at Wake Forest. My brother “made” him take me to their fraternity formal so THEY could hang out and I would be fine hanging out with whomever….however….that’s not quite what happened…”
So next time you see Joanna around the WEC office, ask her for a little clogging sample and stay tuned for next WEC Wednesday’s Beyond the Desk with Director of Government Contracting Services, Eileen Gwaltney.